Craft Room 3rd Edition

This past week was full of personal stuff happening, hence the late post (sorry). But it was also a week focused on finishing out the craft room. It now looks amazing and has me itching to craft. But we have a bit more cleaning up to do before we get to that point. Here is the progress as of Sunday. I spent a few more hours in there today it looks so much better. I’ll make sure to put a picture in next weeks post.

Craft Room

There honestly is not that much of note that was in this last little bit of cleaning. It was mostly just moving things to their proper places, giving things proper places, and throwing away some of the unusable craft things.

While uncovering some of the flat surfaces in the craft room I did find a few old photo books and a newspaper. There is a photo book of Washington D.C. and one of Philadelphia. I also found a photo of Emily Ropp at a Christmas party. There was a newspaper from 1916 titled Farm and Fireside. I also uncovered a book titled, The Geiser Manufacturing Company Inc.

Emily at a Christmas Party

Below are the Centennial Philadelphia and the Washington D.C. photo books. I couldn’t find any dates whatsoever on it, so your guess is as good as mine.

Here are a few photos from The Geiser Manufacturing Company Inc. book.

Then there is the newspaper. I am going to split this up into a few groups because the stories are fun.

And now for the entertaining stories that were also contained in the 1916 newspaper.

Sorry its not much this week. It was really was mostly just boring cleaning and organizing. Ben and I are tackling the master bedroom this week (hopefully).

Thanks for joining our adventure!

Lots of Love,

The McMullins