Master Bedroom Rearranging, Capes, and Colds

This week has been…interesting and opposite. I was most productive at the beginning of the week and less so at the end (at least room organization-wise). I did a bunch of cleaning an clearing at the beginning of the week and then got caught up in the making of a cape for the latter half of the week. The productivity change is also partially due to the fact that the girls and Ben got colds this week. The girls had low fevers for Friday to Sunday so it was a rough weekend.

Master Bedroom

Here is the current state of the bedroom (the toys need to be picked up…again). Photos from last week are here.

It also did look better at one point this week…and then people got sick and the room got used.

It is looking way better. Even though the pictures don’t really show it. There are few boxes of stuff to be unpacked and stuff that’s getting used all over the floor. So a bit more to go but it’s down to the fairly easy stuff at this point. We also moved the TV back and set up some cube shelves from Ohio to help as well.


I decided to do a make-along for this month as I needed something other than cleaning for a bit of a change. And one of the Youtubers I followed to learn about spinning yarn (because of the spinning wheel in the dining room) is doing a Capetember make-along. So I am making a cape. I chose a free pattern from the Mood website as it was the one I thought I would be most likely to wear. I had some lovely blue wool that I got in Ohio that I was excited to have a use for.

Next steps were cutting out the pattern pieces from the paper and then the fabric. I ended having to do a bit of piecing to get all the pieces cut out.

Then it was onto beginning to sew the main parts together and top-stitching them to look pretty. I also stopped to have some Sakura (Cherry Blossom) Green Tea.

And finally for this week I chose, cut out, and starting to sew together the lining for the cape. I can’t wait to see how it turns out! I may have to add some embroidery or something to it as well. We will see though.

Well that was it for this week. Next week will probably be more Master Bedroom work and working on the cape. Might work on some other room or some other small projects but who knows.

Thanks for joining our adventure!

Lots of Love,

The McMullins