Craft Room…Progress?

This week has been a whirlwind. I was mostly working through the craft room with a few side projects. It looks like I made absolutely zero progress on the craft room but I did make some… I think. I also bleached the kitchen floor, cleaned out the medicine cabinet in the upstairs bathroom, and went through the closet next to the kitchen.

Craft Room

So there isn’t really much of super great interest that I found in here yet. But there may yet be some treasures discovered as I make my way further into the room. Here is the starting point from this week.

So it definitely doesn’t look like much progress was made. And maybe it’s just wishful thinking on my part that I did make progress. BUT! There is a bit of a path through the room and around the island of boxes that contain craft things that came from Ohio. Most of the drawers in the room have been gone through and/or emptied and are awaiting being vacuumed, lined, and filled once again.

I also was attempting to make a concerted effort to clear off the tops of desks and things. As well as, organizing and putting like objects together as much as possible. I may have to practice my knitting as there are 5 billion knitting needles. There are specific places to put most of the sewing notions I have both found and brought from Ohio. I don’t think I will need to buy scissors ever again. Though scissors have a tendency to walk off around here. Some of the scissors have helpfully been marked as fabric scissors by small pieces of cloth tied to the handle.

Other Finds

I found this cool card given to William Morrissey about pie. Which was thoroughly entertaining to read and wonder about the place said pie came from. I also found a giant wooden spool of thread. The thread is no longer usable but the wooden spool is pretty fun.

The upstairs bathroom also had some interesting contents. There were quite a few rubber hot water bottles as well as a few metal ones. We found a metal bedpan. Lots of old and a bit questionable medicine and medical paraphernalia. Uncle Doc (Emily’s husband) was a chemist so there were also just jars full of labeled white powders such as, baking soda, oxalic acid, Epsom salt, etc.

Thank you, as always, for joining our adventure! See you next week! I will probably still be working thorough the craft room.

Lots of Love,

The McMullin Family